Collection: Meyer Brothers Collection


Karl Meyer

Regina Mueller (Meyer)

Joseph Meyer

Recipient: Emanuel Meyer

Description: Letter from the Meyer family to Emanuel Meyer, September 23, 1859.

Meyer family letter, September 23, 1859

English Text

Lachen, September 23rd 1859 Dear Son,
 It is with joy that I take pen in hand to write you to let you know that, thank the Lord God, everyone is still quite fine and healthy. When we saw in your letter that it is the same with you, that made us extremely happy. [I am writing] also to let you know that your sister Karolina will travel to America to her brother and she also has very good companions - Mordge’s daughter Fanny, [who is also] August’s sister is heading to Orleans to Süsel [= name?] and I believe if this sister arrives in Orleans you will pick her up in any case. She believes if she goes to America it will be much better for her than in Germany, because when one works all year long in Germany, one year is just like another. Now, dear son, I believe if your sister goes to America and our dear God keeps her healthy and she comes to you, you will do your duty as a brother and take care of her. Even though one wants to care for her in Germany nothing is of any use. Many young people are constantly going to America. Wolf’s Emmanuel has also traveled to America, so you will know that when the rich people let their children go. And you will know when your sister comes to you that she doesn’t want to [spend] her life with nothing, either. She can also [note in pencil in left margin] ? ..... ....... ........ uncle him ....... ….. Karolina Mayer for ...... ....... [page 2:] work, because you know that carrying around to communities can be tiresome for a person, because you also know what that is like. We don’t have any other news right now. We want to limit it all to an oral report if God Almighty allows your dear sister Karolina to come to you. Then you can have everything said to orally. I believe when your sister arrives in Orlins [New Orleans] you will certainly be standing there and receive her as a sister, and I also believe that Uncles Abraham and Daniel will also take care of her as friends. Because, after all, business is very bad in Germany and [we] will slaughter [fold] [from?] time to time and she will be gone by October [fold] ... We can’t yet specify the day when she will leave from Haver [le Havre]. She will write that and will write the name of the ship. That way you will certainly pick her up when she gets off in Orlins. I greet you many thousands of times, your eternally loving father Joseph Mayer! [different handwriting] Dear Brother Mayer! 
Since the old year is over for us and the new one is approaching, I wish for you and our dear uncles and aunts everything that you yourself would also wish. I also greet you many thousands of times and remain your loyal brother until death. Karl Mayer [Yiddish] Dear son Meir, 
I must let you know of my wellbeing. I hope it is also well with you dear son and still a long time it will be and you will know that your sister now [will be] travelling to you. And I hope that God the Almighty will allow her to arrive safely to you and will give you joy. Dear child when your sister arrives in [New] Orleans you should pick her up there and [Eddie Daynikhe] [illegible word follows] wishes what you [illegible] for the new year. And everyone greets you and [three illegible words] is your mother [illegible] remain your mother. [regular German handwriting:] Regina Mayer
 [right margin of page:] Bayou