Collection: Sosnowski Family Letters

Description: Letter from Karoline Schlemmer to her sister, Sophie Sosnowski, April 8, 1849.

Karoline Schlemmer to Sophie Sosnowski, April 8, 1849

English Text

Pforzheim, April 8, 1849.

My dear sister:

Your letter dated from the 1st of January reached me on March 21st and according to that was on the way for 11 weeks, and proof that you have again moved further away— or could the letter have been delayed somewhere? Thank God that you are at last in circumstances to feel happy and content with your children. May in the future kind Providence be good to you and repay you for some of the sorrowful times which fate sent you, as well as me. You asked me, dear Sophie, why I did not write before. Because in your last letter you mentioned that you envisioned a change in residence, I hoped to be informed about it before I would write. As concerns our respective circumstances, so we find ourselves, in spite of the immense fluctuations of time, still on the same old road and this is all my fault. Then again, Schlemer has long ago planned to leave this place; not for the antipathy of such change, but for a certain presentiment I had that our circumstances would not be bettered, I have persuaded him again and again not to do so, although Pforzheim has become very desolate to me and my children through Schlemer’s political aims. The parties are strongly separated and Schlemer belongs as a republican  to those followers who are mostly found among the working class. They hope, in case other parties win, for some gain or advantage while the other class of officers and well-to-do people only see their ruin. Therefore, the few who believe in a clean patriotic movement are in a bad position. Whether or not Germany is going to benefit from the introduction of republican government is still unknown. 

You asked, dear Sophie, about Theodore, Uncle Wentz and Oelenheinz. Our brother is still in Karlsruhe at the War Ministry. I have used every opportunity to write and asked him to visit us, but we have often waited months before he answered, and has not come. What should I do under such conditions in Karlsruhe? I have already written you that Oelenheinz died; his daughters are behaving as complete strangers toward us. The Wentz family, you know, to them signifies neither dignity nor wealth, and it is best to keep one’s distance from such people. I don’t worry about it— they have never spoken to me. The principle of their characters is egoism and pride. Should I find an opportunity, dear Sophie, I will deliver them your greetings. You advise me to educate my children in the English language, but I am sorry to say there is no opportunity here. Sophie still visits the school which is still a private institution of Edward Wagner, which he and his sister Doris founded about 8 years ago as successors of Mrs. Kohler. August is a scholar in Pedagogues and has, for his age, made good progress. All in all, he is still a very childish boy, which I hope will gradually wear off. Sophie takes much more pains in studying and is of a quiet disposition. Last summer I had the children’s picture taken; of course, it was no success. The pictures were not good, although I had hoped to surprise you with them. 

I’m in happy expectation to hear from you and your children soon. In particular, August and Sophie beg your children to speak German to their mother. 

Your loving sister,