Collection: Sosnowski Family Letters

Description: Letter from Sophie Schlemmer to her aunt, Sophie Sosnowski, July 11, 1858.

Sophie Schlemmer to Sophie Sosnowski, July 11, 1858

English Text

Karlsruhe, July 11, 1858.

Dear Auntie:

I have waited a long time in vain for news from you, so I’m convinced that my letter of December 30th has not reached you. I am sorry for this, as I would have liked to hear from you. 

At last, I can tell you that August is out of the army; he came out in January and has been in Paris since April. He is living in a pension so he can acquire a knowledge of the French language. He felt that he stood a better change of getting a position in Paris than here, where business opportunities are poor. We must thank God that August has found a place to stay. A man by the name of Schweig with whom Father had business relations at one time, was kind to August and got a friend named Bachner to give him a temporary position, one of his men being ill. The pay for the position is very small, 1000 francs, and August lives 30 or 40 francs beyond that which he makes; still, we are glad as the working time is not very long and August being ill this winter has not yet regained his strength. If my brother was not so positive about going to Paris, we would have kept him here, preferably; the doctor did not care either to have him go so far away. Now we must just simply wait and see how he makes out, particularly if his health will permit him to remain there. 

Conditions have not changed much with us beyond the fact that Father has received a commission—to open a Commission Bureau; up to this time he has had nothing to do. Not much business attached to this office, only small matters and a few American papers to interview. 

Uncle Theodore begged me a few months ago for your address, from which I gathered that he would write you; but I see very little of him and know nothing about him. It pains me very much and still, we cannot help it. 

Sometimes I get some old letters of yours to Mrs. Kirchgessner, which you never dreamed would fall into the hands of your niece, dear Aunt. She sends fond greetings to you and says to tell you that she has had sixteen children, seven of whom are still living. Her sisters, with the exception of Mrs. Schwarz, who died about six months ago, are still living. 

Old Mrs. Wentz died in January of last year, and Karl Wentz was pensioned a few days ago. He has lost his position as equerry through his coarse behavior, I heard. We never meet and are quite strangers to each other.

Dear Aunt, what fate is going to do with us, I do not know; when I think of our situation I become so despondent that it takes every effort to overcome these feelings. As much as I grieve over the loss of my dear mother, in her death I see the leading hand of providence. What sorrow our future now would have been to her; this dear mother whose only thought was for the welfare of her children; would that we might follow her example and bear patiently the many things that happen, and not be afraid to look the future in the face, my dear Aunt.

Now a few questions: did you receive my last letter or was there something in it that you did not like? Please be frank with me and let me know in your next letter your intentions regarding our situation. Are you and your family well? Where are Sophie and Karoline and how is it with Julius? It would give me much pleasure to get a long letter from you, after having waited so very long for it. Now farewell my dear Aunt and with my whole heart I wish that this writing will find you in the best of health. Father and August also send greetings but especially receive it from thy loving niece,

P.S.  The two Oel. cousins send many greetings to you. Their brother Adel, a scoundrel, is at last going to America; it will be a blessing for his sisters. Mrs. Minna Lang sends her greetings to you and has often expressed the wish to see you once more. Another few words about Mrs. Kirch, who always asks of you when she sees me; she is becoming like a child in religion and does nothing else but go from one church to another, and she fasts so much, she is beginning to look bad. When I look at her, it reminds me of the saying “believing makes holy.” Now farewell, dear Aunt. Until now I have post-paid my letters; have you received them in that condition? But from now on, I will send you my letters not post-paid. You, dear Aunt, do the same.